My Granddaddy                     

by-Jimmy ©2001


Whether building a home for his family, or planting a garden with nothing more than a hoe.

My Grandaddy

Louie McGovevrn



My Granddaddy planted seeds in each of us, and then patiently watched them grow.

He rose above every challenge, and weathered every storm.

He enjoyed the simple things in life, and his most important crop was always home.

His mind was full of reason, his body full of strength,

His heart was full of love, and he worked hard at any length.

My granddaddy was more than a grandfather he was also a father and friend,

To each and every one of us until the very end.

Granddaddy can you hear me, we pray you’re here today,

To see all of your loved ones admiring and loving you on your passing day.


Look for this poem to be published in the fall of 2001 in a collection of various poets entitled, “Under a Quicksilver Moon.”

To order this book the ISBN is: 0-7951-5065-2

